Look no further than the local newsstands for proven inspiration for your next blog title, course branding or sales page.

Trying to come up with an inspired sub-title or headline for your next course, masterclass or blog post? Look no further than the local newsstands!

Magazine covers are a good resource for inspired (and working) headlines, titles and bullet points when it comes to creating content to promote your service based business. You can use these insights for your course titles, book sub-titles, blog posts and other online content!

Editors want the magazines to sell, so they spend time and money studying which headlines sell and which ones don’t! Keep in mind, some of the top reasons people buy are for convenience, time and ego.

Look at these current headlines from the pharmacy newsstand. See how they play into the buying trends and think about how you can incorporate these well-researched one-liners into your content planning!

Look at some of the commonalities around the wording used to promote the issue.

For example, the word “your” comes up a lot – your plan, your guide, your manual, your tasks, your must-haves.

Also the concept of a better “you” is incorporated into the titles, what “you” need to know, do or learn to improve.

Additionally, “easy” and “simple” are also commonly used along with: fast, better, fresh and clever.

The promise of a transformation, change or upgrade is also implied with the cover promotions.

Additionally, the concept that the magazine is the authority is implied with the use of words like “our” guide or “how we do it” paired along with the words: proven, best, hacks, ideas and tips.

If it’s not specific enough, people will not buy – because remember – INFORMATION/KNOWLEDGE is one of the biggest obstacles for the online buyer.

Remember, editors test these headlines and word pairings with consumer groups and against their past newsstand sales! You gotta know they are using what works to sell more copies!

Take advantage of their research to craft some sexy titles and captions! (I have to admit, after snapping some pics I ended up buying 4 magazines for the first time in a while!)


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