There is a business case for entrepreneurs who are experts to re-purpose their expertise into multiple revenue streams and marketing tools – I am talking online courses, workshops and yes, even books! However, so many things can get in the way when we try to do something we’ve never done before and run a business at the same time! Although I’ve wanted to write a book for 20 years, once I realized the business case for it, it took me 5 days. Below are the five things I did to beat writer’s block and write my book!

For many of us that run a business, writing a book can be not only intimidating, but also overwhelming – a common #EntrepreneurTrap that most of us fall into a lot of the time.

As entrepreneurs, we have to get our message out there. We need to be seen and heard in order to gain momentum in our business.

The thing is, when you conquer Writer’s Block (be it for blog posts, social media, and even books) it’s easy for you to share your expertise and make a difference.

The problem is, we often get stuck in tooting our own horns.

You know your stuff. You know how to help people. The trick is having a strategy to get it out there and repurpose it into multiple mediums and ultimately, revenue streams in order to leverage new business opportunities and momentum for your marketing efforts.

For example, although for 20 years I’ve had the dream to write a book, it actually only took me 5 days to write it once I decided it had to be done!



Most of my book I wrote at the cottage, early in the morning and late at night, between hosting guests and running a day’s worth of activities with my family. I had to maximize my productivity and literally crush my self-imposed deadlines. There was no room for fear. No time for fear!

A lot of my entrepreneur author clients and colleagues have shared some recent fears with me that they had before starting their books, and even while on the author journey:

  • Who will read my book?
  • Nobody will buy my book?
  • Who am I to write a book?
  • What will people say?
  • Am I good enough to write this?
  • I am not a good writer.

The list goes on. And, in fact, I even had some of these fears before I wrote my book, Ready to Amplify Tribe. Visibility. Impact.

Once you get past these fears or the thousands of others that exist out there, writing a book (or a blog or social media post for that matter) should not be difficult, except it can be confusing to self-publish and navigate all the things you need to do in the right order to avoid wasting time and money. (And if you need a sounding board for this, please book yourself into my calendar for a complimentary chat about content and leveraged book launches to help you navigate your fears and next steps!)

Earlier this year I wrote about some of the ways I crushed these fears and hit my insane deadlines to write my book in 5 days. Now, that said, it still took another 6 months before I launched it, but that’s another story…for another time!


The secret to writing a book in 5 days is not just in re-purposing your existing content, but in really creating marketing that you can always convert into a paid product.

Think about it – you already have worked in content marketing into your day to day – livestreams, your webinars, your Facebook posts and in-person workshops!!! You already have this content in your head. The trick is to decide what you want to be known at and how you want to position yourself as the go-to expert that you are – but in also identifying your dream reader!

In my upcoming masterclass I share more of the ways I wrote my book in 5 days including the business decisions that supported it, the exact book outline I used and the way I converted my marketing into content for my book.

I’m sharing my motivation and strategies to legit overcome the writer’s block and create a game-changing and powerful marketing tool for my business by writing my book in 5 days. If you want, please feel free to share some of your strategies in the comments below; we can all raise each other up by sharing our learned insights and expedite our journeys together!



In order to get past the overwhelm, I think it’s important to break down the book into smaller sections – even smaller than chapters!!

For example, the TABLE OF CONTENTS. Or, the BACK OF BOOK info. Or, my AUTHOR BIO. Once I started with some non-emotional pieces of my book, I found the #writingflow came once I completed these minor tidbits and it got me in the zone.


Additionally, I became mindful of my most productive, undistracted times of day, to pick as writing times. For me, that’s early in the morning and late at night. At this point, I’m half asleep so I am not as self-conscious AND I’m more focused because my email is not dinging and my phone is not ringing.


I’m not talking self-regulated deadlines, I’m talking – S*** will hit the fan if you don’t get stuff done deadlines. For me, that was a serious deadline of an event where I wanted to have copies of my book available.


Ready to Amplify book with inscriptionKnowing who will help #selfpublish your book and support your production goals is a big step. Bringing that in on your goals and deadlines is a huge way to keep you on track knowing others are waiting to work with and for you.


If you missed it above, writing and publishing a book was more about leaving behind a legacy for my son – to inspire him and show him that anything is possible. When you have your why, there is no fear you can’t overcome. Dig deep and make your book about more than just writing a book – what’s the real reason you are here to inspire and make an impact?


******** IT’S YOUR TIME TO SHINE ********

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