Overcome writer’s block and create a game-changing, powerful marketing tool quickly!

Writer’s Block is a real thing and it can really mess with your production timelines, milestones and overall success of your book. My experience is that writer’s block comes from one or many fears that haven’t been addressed and are rattling around in your head, preventing the creativity to take place.

However, once you have a strategic outline for your book, (and if you don’t have one, grab it from my masterclass replay here), the tactical implementation of writing your book can be quite logical and practical if you’ve prepared yourself mentally for the outcome of actually finishing the book!!!

I applied several of these tactical strategies to get my book done in time to meet my crazy deadlines and expectations. I believe once you eliminate or deal with your fears, the flow will come.

Please note – the key piece here is that once I had an outline, I had a strategy to deal with fear and overwhelm that would inevitably pop up…I’ve listed seven of my favourite ways to proactively overcome writer’s block when it comes to writing your book. 

Here are some tactics I applied to get my book written in 5 days. 


In order to get past the overwhelm, it’s important to break down the book into smaller sections; perhaps even smaller than chapters! For example, the table of contents, back of the book info, dedication, or even my author bio.

Start making your book a reality, one section at a time. Start seeing it become a tangible, physical thing! Once I completed these minor tidbits and started with some non-emotional pieces of my book, I found the #writingflow came and I was in the zone.


Become mindful of your most productive, undistracted times of the day, and pick those as writing times. The five days don’t start today – they start the calendar day you select to commit and get it done. No excuses. Make sure your clients, your family, your social calendar and you know, this is your goal and it’s what you’ll be doing.

With this comes a plan. Your outline, mind map, thought leadership you’re putting together and what you want your book to accomplish for its future readers needs to be completed before going into this 5-day creation period.


I’m not talking about self-regulated deadlines, I’m talking S*** will hit the fan if you don’t get stuff done deadlines. A hard deadline must have consequences. For example, with my goodie bag deadline, I had to get my first edition/draft galley copy in event bags by a certain date or I couldn’t participate the way I had planned. It would have been a costly deadline to miss and also a huge ego-bruise if I didn’t complete the task.


Knowing who will help #selfpublish your book and support your production goals is a big step. Bringing that into your goals and deadlines is a huge way to keep you on track, knowing others are waiting to work with and for you. Start putting down deposits on future services required to self-publish your book and reserve your space in the production line!


My why factor gave me the extra edge to complete my book and stay committed. For me, it helped to know that it would inspire my friends and family, and I would have a tangible keepsake of my efforts as an entrepreneur and proof of what I do. A big part of why I wrote my book was my son; it was about setting an example, dreaming big, and thinking bigger.

Writing and publishing a book became more about living and leaving behind a legacy for him– to inspire him and show him that anything is possible. When you’re aligned with your why, there is no fear you can’t overcome. Dig deep and make your book about more than just writing what’s the real reason you are here to inspire and make an impact?


There’s nothing like having a fire lit under your butt than your community of friends, family and colleagues rooting for you and holding you accountable. Your goals HAVE to happen and for some of us, this added pressure can be a real advantage.


People LOVE to help and support others in need – and boy, authors need support! This is a great way to keep feeling the fear and do it anyways.

By writing a book, you’re releasing a very big part of yourself into a product that most people only dream about! It’s a roller-coaster of decision fatigue, imposter syndrome and triumph! And in the middle of all that, there is the non-stop game-changing evolution of owning your thought leadership…Stepping into it and claiming it as your own! 

Are you ready to write and publish your book in 2023? 

Share your thoughts, excitement, and desires with your online community. Ask them to review book cover ideas, titles and even themes or production questions you have! 

Learn more about how I wrote my book in 5 days and self-publishing logistics while still living my life and running my business, and grab a copy of my sample book outline in my masterclass, Leverage Your Book Launch. 

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