What I’m about to share with you is essentially a really simple idea: give your readers a reason to read your post, and then follow up with a link or guide them to more information. I like to approach this and think about using three basic steps when I compose my Facebook blog post.

#1 ASK



Now, the GUIDE part is easy. It can be as simple as “Go HERE (INSERT LINK) FOR MORE INFORMATION AND FIND OUT WHY…” I also work backwards in my process, so this is where I always start. Why am I posting today? What am I trying to guide them to? Is it my blog post, a photo gallery, a product page? Okay… Part one done!

Then I review the page or link I’m going to be sending them there, and I write up one sentence that describes a tip or something interesting on that page. I turn that into a question for the ASK part of the post. “did you that that….” or “have you ever wondered about…” or “do you suffer from…”

Then, I PROVIDE them with a taste of what the link is all about or why they want to read more if they want to learn the answer to the above question. Perhaps I share a statistic with them…”45% of people suffer from…” or “3 ways to combat…” or a statement: “You’re not alone…” or “We were curious about this and decided to investigate this topic further…”

WHY do I do this?

Well, I want to offer value, I want to give people a reason to engage with me further, I want to support my community and provide them with tools they need so they are empowered to learn even more! And, so I provide them with a reason. A reason to engage, a reason to click that link to find out more and I make it easy for them. And that’s it folks! Simple!

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